Choice of Final Year Options by Undergraduate Students at the Moi University School of Information Sciences
This paper presents the findings of a study that examined career aspirations of Bachelor of Information Science students at the School of Information Science Moi University, Kenya. The population for this study consisted of registered fourth year students at the school during the 2006/2007 academic year. The researchers used the students at the school because of its harmonized degree programme. The research instrument used to collect data from the respondents was a questionnaire specifically designed for this study. Data collected were categorized and presented in tables and percentages. It was found that most students join the programme without prior knowledge of the other information science professions other than Information Technology. The study further revealed that the major factors which contributed to the choice of career in different professional areas included the availability of diverse job opportunities, and monetary rewards . It was also found that most of the students chose their careers without any proper career guidance and counselling. The respondents aspired to take up careers in information technology firms, media houses, research institutions, information consultancies, libraries, record centres, archives , systems analysis centres and international organizations. It is recommended that the programme be publicized properly to create awareness on different professionals areas that are included in the information sciences degree programme at Moi University.
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